Rev. Dr. Roger McPhail 1950-2021

Church is not supposed to be a religious experience.
It is supposed to be a God encounter. There is so much more of God to be encountered.
- Rev. Roger McPhail
31yrs of ministry

Pastor Roger, along with his faithful wife, Teresa had founded and served in this ministry for the 31 years, until the Lord called him home to his eternal reward in January of 2021.
He received Christ in the 1970’s at Calvary Tabernacle in Brooklyn, NY and soon, thereafter, left his very successful career in the corporate world to follow the call of God and work in the ministry, full time.
He met and married the love of his life, Teresa Vecchione, on February 10, 1979 (the coldest day of the year!) and together they began what would become three decades of service to the Lord together.
The early years of ministry were under Dr. Benjamin Crandall, at first, in Brooklyn and, as that ministry grew, a move was made to Staten Island, and his pastoral ministry developed at the International Christian Center.
The 1980’s brought a season of trial and changes to navigate, as to where he would serve, but the call of God, remained steadfast in his heart. In the Lord’s time, the opportunity arose for Pastor Roger to become the Director of CBN’s outreach center for counseling and Operation Blessing in the New York area and he found himself back in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn, once again.

In October of 1989, a powerful word came forth at the counseling center at a service called to bless the counseling team. It came at a time when Pastor Roger had been seeking the Lord for further direction and God was faithful to answer. As a result of this word, he was encouraged to begin Friday night worship services at the counseling center location.
Service began in November of 1989 on a Friday evening. From the very beginning these services were blessed. Through anointed worship, the preaching of the Word and wonderful fellowship, Pastor Roger could sense that God was birthing something new. The meetings grew to more than 100 in attendance in just two months. With a burden on his heart to minister healing and restoration to the Body of Christ and to reach the lost in NYC, a new church was born and was given the name of New Hope Fellowship.

What is the Lord Saying?
Pastor Roger’s experience in the business world became a great asset that he used to serve the ministry. He was a visionary and innovator. He would always ask, “What is the Lord saying?” When he sensed that God was moving, he moved…and quickly! His response to God was always, “YES!” His hand never came off the plow until the completion of whatever the Lord led him to do. He had an unrelenting passion for Jesus, to see Him glorified. At this point in his ministry, he applied all of energies for Jesus in the search for a new place to meet. The fledgling church of New Hope had outgrown its current home. With his tenacious attitude, Pastor Roger waged an exhaustive search to relocate his people, and position the church to expand. He knew every available property in South Brooklyn, until finally he was led to the old Knights of Columbus building at 76th Street and 4th Avenue. After some astute negotiations, New Hope had a new home, with some room to grow. The first official service of New Hope Fellowship was held on March 4, 1990, with 150 people attending.
Growth quickly came, and Pastor Roger negotiated for more space, until the entire building was being used for the glory of God. The new space was to reach the many young people that had begun to come to New Hope. Pastor Roger poured into this vision for the youth by building a youth center that would be open every day and evening and be a place to minister to kids. His heart was always for the next generation. As the NYC Board of Education adopts a new curriculum to teach Kindergarteners about homosexuality and normalize same-sex parenting, Pastor Roger, was filled with righteous indignation against the enemy’s attempt to overpower the minds of the children in the New York Public School system.
On April 16, 1991 Joseph Roger McPhail was born and he was the light of Pastor Roger and Teresa's life. Joseph was a joy and blessing to them in this season of building in their lives.

We are Starting a School

As a new father and pastor of many families with young, school-age children, the responsibility for their eternal souls weighed heavily on Pastor Roger’s heart. With the new curriculum in the public school system Pastor Roger knew that this was a direct attack upon the children and families of the city and it required a response from the church called by God, called as a house of prayer, a house of deliverance and a house of hope to NYC. This was the prophetic word given at the inaugural service on March 4, 1990. His spiritual senses stirring with warfare, a counterattack was formed.
& Faith
Full of faith and vision, he commissioned his wife, Teresa, who was an experienced educator, to begin a school. Teresa, knowing that Roger was hearing from God, began to put faith into action. She did what she knew how to do and Roger did what he knew how to do. Within 6 weeks, and with a $10,000 grant from CBN’s humanitarian arm, Operation Blessing, a building was secured and renovated, permits and papers were filed, teachers were hired, supplies and books were purchased and New Hope Christian Academy was born in the fall of 1992, with 110 students.
The nineties would bring other opportunities to advance the Gospel. With a heart to carry the Gospel to the ends of the earth, Pastor Roger accepted invitations to minister in Russia, planting a full gospel church just outside of Moscow & providing the funding to the new church for the first year. He ministered in Ghana, Africa, the Dominican Republic, South Africa, Argentina, Chinatown Outreach Ministry in NYC and Uganda, Africa. Pastor Roger took every opportunity to advance the Gospel that was presented to him. Nothing was too hard to accomplish.

Pastor John Arnott Praying for Pastor Roger McPhail
Anointed Fire Prophecy
In March of 1995, Benny Hinn prophesied that the Anointed Fire of God would fall upon the East coast of the U.S.A. Being stirred by the Spirit, Pastor Roger & his wife attended the Toronto Airport Christian Fellowship, where countless Christians from all over globe were attending Spirit-filled conferences and returning home with a fresh and powerful baptism of the Holy Spirit and bringing a renewal to their respective churches. Upon his return, Pastor McPhail went to the sanctuary on Saturday evening to pray and seek the Lord as he often did and the power of God hit him in such a way that he ran around the church sanctuary exclaiming, “Pour, pour, pour!” It was a defining moment in his life and the life of the church, as the Lord did pour out His Spirit in a new way after that.
The next day, as the Lord would have it, was Pentecost Sunday and the Pastor Roger preached on the New Pentecost. The power of God fell with a greater anointing than ever before in New Hope. The whole church was affected and filled. Many experienced manifestations and confirmations of the power and presence of God that day. A new joy flowed and Pastor Roger was confident that his steps were truly ordered by God to take the church into a new place. There was always a new place to be in God, if you let God have His way, was Pastor Roger’s firm belief. The Lord’s plans had no boundaries and Pastor Roger always sought to discover the next great, new thing God was doing for His people.
New Joy Flowed

March For Jesus, 1999
Seeing his great vision and ability to advance the Kingdom, Pastor Roger was asked to coordinate the existing annual Brooklyn March For Jesus. It was a huge undertaking and challenge, but Pastor Roger accepted the challenge and stepped into the leadership. Whatever he did, he did it BIG. Afterall, it was for the glory of God, so make it glorious and worthy of our big God. He negotiated the use of Cadman Plaza, downtown Brooklyn, in front of the Supreme Court building and had plans drawn up to seat 5,000 people in front of a stage, where 400 singers would stand to sing the praises of the Lord. 50+ churches marched through the downtown area of Brooklyn, singing praises to the Lord, and then gathered for a rally in Cadman Plaza.
It was a day of celebration and reconciliation for the diverse ethnic and racial groups that make up our city. Representatives from Jewish, Arab, Black, White & Hispanic communities repented toward one another with prayers of forgiveness and a newfound determination for unity in the city. This was a great moment in Pastor Roger’s life and ministry and began to establish his Apostolic influence in the city, and soon after led to the establishment of the pastoral network, Mission Brooklyn, which was later re-named, Mission New York.
Mission New York brought together, in a monthly fellowship, 100 pastors and ministry leaders throughout Brooklyn and other boroughs of the city. The entire network boasted 400 churches, under the leadership of Pastor McPhail. His heart was to receive from the Lord and give it away. He had the courage to pursue God where others may hesitate to enter. He believed God was bigger and stronger and would back up dreaming big because that meant stepping out of one’s comfort zone and into the supernatural realm of faith.

Praying for Peace & Safety
Pastor Roger leads the church into its second decade of ministry with an emphasis on praying for the peace and safety of the city streets. He felt the Lord leading him to do this in the days leading up to 9 -11 in August 2001. Only God knew what would happen about 30 days in the future. Unlike other neighborhoods, after that terrorist attack on NYC, Bay Ridge, Brooklyn did not have any incidences of violence, even with a large Muslim population. Pastor McPhail’s discernment and obedience kept the peace in the Spirit.
In the aftermath and recovery of 9 -11, the 3rd March For Jesus was held in June, 2003. It was apparent to Pastor McPhail that prayer and declaration of truth were the affective keys to taking down the spiritual strongholds, so that year’s March was themed, “Doing Spiritual Warfare Against Demonic Strongholds in The City.” The March was held through the streets of Bay Ridge and culminated with the rally under the Verrazano Bridge in John Paul Jones Park. Prior to the March, while in personal prayer, Pastor McPhail was led to read Isaiah 27:1, which says, “The Lord will destroy leviathan with His sword.” He inquired of the Lord as to its meaning and what to do with that revelation and then proceeded to act upon it. Those pastors who attended the March were given engraved swords as a prophetic symbol, signifying their commitment to unity to destroy the works of the enemy throughout NYC. Pastor McPhail led the pastors of the city in a mighty declaration of faith, each one waving his sword in the air, and vowing to crush the works of Satan in the city, not by might, nor by power, but by the Spirit…”

Because of his strategic planning abilities, much like generals engaged in earthly warfare, Pastor Roger was called upon by national prayer organizations to teach the principles of prayer walking and he helped to develop Pray New York throughout the city. He organized the strategy to assign people to walk and pray on every city block. Church leaders and their congregations all over the city were mobilized and prayer touched every block of the city. Assignments were also given for the subway lines, highways, bridges, tunnels, airports and government buildings. Those who had boats were assigned to the waterways and even those with planes were assigned to the sky. It was a massive endeavor and because of Pastor Roger’s leadership and faith, NYC’s crime rate fell dramatically and was chosen as the safest large city in the USA.
​Pastor McPhail knew that no individual church would have all the spiritual gifts in the Body of Christ, so to expose his people to these many varied gifts, he aligned himself to national and international leaders, such as C. Peter Wagner, Chuck Pierce,
Ed Silvoso, Cindy Jacobs, Che Ahn, James Goll, to name of few.
He embraced the New Testament principle of the 5-Fold Ministry model, according to Ephesians, 4: 11-12, “And he gave some, apostles, and some prophets and some evangelists and some pastors and teachers; for the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ…”
​These leaders would influence and help shape Pastor McPhail in his own leadership. In May 2006, he was recognized as an apostolic leader to NYC and was ordained to the office of an Apostle by Dr. C. Peter Wagner. Continuing in his apostolic calling, Pastor Roger led the churches of Brooklyn through the Mission New York network to pray for every public school in Brooklyn, on site! The doors were anointed with oil. Scripture stakes were driven into the soil of each school. Administrators, teachers, parents and students received prayer. The results were soon seen in a tangible fashion. Brooklyn became the borough with the highest test scores in the city!
Leadership Alignment

Ephesians 4:11-12

Sensing in the Spirit that the Lord was advancing the church’s influence and broader reach throughout the city, in 2006, Apostle Roger changed the name of the ministry from New Hope Fellowship to Gateway City Church and in 2007, moved the church into a new, additional building that would allow for growth and future ministry. The former church building would be dedicated to exclusive use for education ministries: Universal Pre-School and Christian Academy and Sunday School.
​​Other prophets and leaders confirmed this by the words that were given at that time, words from Chuck Pierce, Cindy Jacobs, Che Ahn, Cal Chineen, James Goll. Rev. Ed Silvoso, of Transform Your World, (formerly Harvest Evangelism), called Gateway City Church, in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn, situated at the entrance to NYC, along the Narrows waterway, the beach head to the city. By definition, a beach head is an area of land next to the sea or river where an attacking force has taken control and can prepare to advance further inland. How well this described the church! It was positioned strategically to wage war to win NYC and now the name reflected that intent.
​​During the renovation of the new building, dedications were made and stakes, with promises and prayers written on them, were driven into the ground under the pulpit area. Apostle Roger led this prophetic act, as seen in the scriptures, to mark the dedication of the land and the building to the Lord for His purposes and give praise to Him for His goodness and promises fulfilled and those yet to come into the earth-realm. It was done for thanksgiving and remembrance and hope for the future.
When times got challenging, as the church advanced, Apostle Roger reminded himself and the church of those stakes buried in the ground, and he stood strong.
At the opening service of the new home of Gateway City Church, on June 3, 2007, the following prophetic word was given. It was as significant a service as the very first one in 1990: “For you will increase, says the Lord, increase in power, increase in anointing. You will accomplish great exploits for the Lord ... I will use you, Gateway, in such a great manner and in such great power that this city will be turned around ... It will not be an intellectual impartation. It will be power. It will be an anointing that will set the captives free. That anointing will break the yoke. That anointing will bring deliverance. The anointing will heal the sick. The anointing will open prison doors ... As you step out, you will dispel the forces of darkness. I will give you an anointing to engage a city and bring many, many into the saving knowledge of my Son. It is My anointing that will bring great power to this church. Go without any fear, for My anointing will make a way. My anointing will bring favor." (delivered by Rev. Henry Lopez of Anchor House).
Apostle Roger was energized by every acknowledgement that was delivered by special guest ministers or prophets that would come to the church. Those who came for the first time were mostly unfamiliar with Roger and Teresa, and everyone spoke a confirming word to them and very similar in content. The Lord was speaking and Apostle Roger made every attempt to be obedient and act where action was required, to see those words come into the earth-realm. He would do whatever he could to obey God, without reservation or apology.
“And through the hands of the apostles, many signs and wonders were done among the people…and believers were increasingly added to the Lord, multitudes of both men and women, so that they brought the sick out into the streets and laid them on beds and couches….a multitude gathered from the surrounding cities to Jerusalem, bringing sick people and those who were tormented by unclean spirits, and they were all healed.” Acts 5:12-16 “And these signs will follow those who believe…They will lay hands on the sick and they will recover.” Mark 16:18
A man of God’s Word, Apostle Roger saw his office through the lens of the supernatural, operating through the apostolic. The role of the apostle is to set things in order. Apostle Roger felt it was the responsibility of his office to see that the church was moving in all the gifts of the Spirit. Healing was not to be a random “special gift” in which the Lord bestows at His will only in specially designated times, but, according to the scriptures, it was to be the defining gift that demonstrates the power of God to the unbeliever, in order to bring them to Christ. It was to be a SIGN of God’s authority and love through His people. And so, following the model of John G. Lake, Healing Rooms were born at New Hope. Apostle Roger appointed leaders who were discerning, filled with faith and warriors in prayer, to lead this ministry, and what a ministry it was! Many healings and deliverances and restorations occurred and they came from all over the city to receive.
Healing Rooms

Apostle Roger steps into further strategies to win the city by engaging in types of spiritual warfare to loosen the grip of the principalities over the city. He recognized that advances are not made by Sunday church attendance or more church programs, while all good, but by engaging in combat over the ruling spirits over the city. “Not by power, nor by might, but by My Spirit,” says the Lord of hosts. (Zechariah 4:6) because we do not wrestle against flesh and blood. (Ephesians 6:12). Apostle Roger always knew that the church does not face a physical enemy but a spiritual one. He also knew that the gates of hell would not prevail against the church. (Matthew 16:18,19) so he moved forward boldly to neutralize those spirits and render them powerless by spiritual mapping and repentance at sites of entrance over the city where sin and violence and corruption were allowed to enter, creating the atmosphere for satan and the demonic to have footholds, thus keeping people in bondage to sin, poverty, violence and all manner of evil. This warfare binds the powers of darkness and releases the Holy Spirit. The scales fall off peoples’ eyes to see the goodness of God and come to Him for salvation. It cleanses the land to bring forth good fruit. Apostle Roger mapped areas of Brooklyn and NYC and he and his wife went and sent teams of intercessors to pray, repent, declare, bind & loose and reclaim the city for future generations. His influence & boldness continues to have an impact upon the churches of the city, many of which adopted these principles into their ministries and continue to this day advancing the Gospel throughout NYC using these strategies.

Moving in the footsteps of Christ was the primary focus of Roger’s life and ministry. Most churches will interpret the scripture, “Be imitators of God as beloved children and walk in love…” (Ephesians 5: 1, 2) as only one’s behavior toward his neighbor, but Apostle Roger knew that the full interpretation of this scripture was also to imitate Christ’s actions as He moved in relationship with the Holy Spirit. He healed the sick and raised the dead and brought deliverance to the demonically afflicted. To imitate God meant to do ALL that Christ did on the earth, and Apostle Roger always tried to elevate the bar of faith and expectation. In 2015, Apostle Roger established the New York City Gatekeepers School of Supernatural Ministry to teach the principles of the supernatural and raise awareness and expectation of the move of the Lord, which is always supernatural. This was the full gospel of Christ.
Apostle McPhail’s unrelenting pursuit of the presence of God pushed into the next decade with as much fervor as the previous 20 years. He would constantly ask himself and the staff, “What is God saying?” regarding every step or situation that arose within the daily progress of the church. God was in everything and over everything so he wanted to know God’s mind on everything. He strove not to miss God.
He moved passionately in every endeavor, as he responded to every prophetic word over the church and the city. In order to bring clarity to the meaning of scripture he was sharing, or to demonstrate a response to a prophetic word and teach the people that God’s word requires a response, he would do prophetic acts. A teacher might refer to these as object lessons, but they were much more than that. They were actions done under the anointing of the Holy Spirit, a step of faith, in order to release the power of God into his sermon or whatever situation or event in which he was leading the church or the network of pastors in the city. As previously mentioned, he gave out swords, buried scripture stakes in the ground. He gave out keys, threw seeds, gave each pastor bottles of oil to anoint people for healing, and each act was a physical symbol of a scriptural reference to demonstrate a spiritual truth. He led the church and pastors of the city in victorious proclamations and declarations through many prophetic acts that continue to reverberate in the church and the city.
Because of these declarations, Gateway City Church continues to stand and will have a part in the coming move of the Holy Spirit in this city. Apostle Roger McPhail was a forerunner during his ministry tenure. He responded faithfully to all God asked him to do. While the city is experiencing some of its darkest days at the present time. Apostle Roger McPhail’s life and ministry continue to push the results of the Gospel of Christ in NYC to the coming finale of days before the return of Christ. His name may not be remembered by people of future generations, but what he did for the propagation of the Gospel in this city will continue to have its affect. God remembers it all! The Lord is the one who orchestrates each one’s impact upon the earth. When the Bible speaks about “God remembered,” it is His response to acts of faithfulness and His action on behalf of the current generation because of the faithful actions of a previous generation. Roger McPhail is now part of that great cloud of witnesses mentioned in the Book of Hebrews, chapter 11.
We will always remember
Roger McPhail was a giant and a general in the kingdom of God.