Rev. Dr. Roger McPhail 1950-2021

Messages of Hope
Listen to the messages of hope and encouragement. A sound and prophetic teaching Pastor Roger has left for us.
Dreams to Destiny Part 1
"Your character must support your Destiny!" Psalms 105:7
Going from Glory to Glory Part 1
"We are being transformed from Glory to Glory becoming like Jesus." 2 Corinthians 3:18
Dreams to Destiny Part 2
"Being transformed by God to step into your Destiny!" 1 Tim 1:18
Going from Glory to Glory Part 2
"Our actions trigger God’s reactions." Isaiah 12:2-3
Going from Glory to Glory Part 3
"I have seen Him, who sees me." 2 Corinthians 3:18
Making Room for a Miracle
"Do not fear, Believe!" Mark 5:20-43
Renewed Mind Part 1
"Renewed mind gives off the aroma of Jesus." Galatians 5:16
The Game Changer Part 1
"The purpose of the Word of God is to encounter Jesus Christ. Leave a legacy for another generation." Luke 11:24-26
The Game Changer Part 3
God’s Dominion invades earth. The Kingdom of God comes and invites earth to participate with heaven!" Mark 1:9-10
Renewed Mind Part 2
"Don’t be conformed to the chaotic approach that most people take to life. But be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Take the limit off your thinking." Romans 12:2
The Game Changer Part 2
"Revival. God is always moving. One heart on fire can start a movement!" John 5:39-40
The Game Changer Part 4
"Who touched me? Virtue has left me." Acts 19:11
We will always remember
Roger McPhail was a giant and a general in the kingdom of God.